Monday, November 24, 2008

Today is the regional elections here in Venezuela. We are supposed to elect the positions for mayor, great mayor, city council, governor and state council.

Since very early in the morning (4:00 a.m.), a crowd marched to the voting centre and queues to cast their opinion and then return home to wait for the results. As usual, the start wasn’t quick, with undecided people and technical issues to be fixed the process started with delays and gradually gained speed and agility.

So how, I knew this, so I waited until the lunch hour to cast my vote. It was very simple and didn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete the entire process. Here is a picture of my pinkie finger and my wife’s proving we had voted.

Proving we voted

Sadly, I ran into several people without the willing to vote (or as someone I meet with the migration process said... “Why am I going to vote if the next year I will be in Australia? I don’t care what happens with this nation...”). I tried not to, but got me pissed off a bit this kind of comments... Especially when that kind of people are seeking better opportunities and don’t stop complaining about the issues that bothers them. How can they be so irresponsible and selfish at the same time?

Anyway, now all that matter (and we will have to wait for it) are the results which should be given at anytime near the midnight...



Rod, de veras que te felicito por haber ido a votar, aun estando casi seguro que no vas a estar alli..!
sabes que es lo peor, que yo aca en El Salvador, estamos en lo mismo, yo he oido mucha gente que ni le interesa y aun quedandose aca.....en fin, de verdad que a veces creo que me paso de patriotica, pero me puede caer mal oir gente que no va a ir porque de nada sirve o lo que es peor, que oi ayer, que se va y que de todos modos no tiene nada que agradecerle a su pais y por eso no va a ir a votar ni nada....y yo dije, con solo que me haya aguantado mas de 30 años ya es suficiente para hacer algo por mi paisito....pero bueno, ni modo, no todos piensan lo mismo!! (y bueno, ya me desahogue con alguien la colera que me dio ayer jajaja)

muchos saludos Rod!

Rod said...

Hola Amiga, te entiendo completamente. A mi forma de ver, el votar es más que un derecho, es una obligación. He intentado hacerles entender eso a muchas personas pero ninguna parece entenderlo...

Ojala en procesos migratorios tomaran en cuenta si una persona ejerce sus derechos civiles, de esa forma aquellos que poco interés tienen por su país se vean comprometidos y se tengan que quedar resignados a vivir donde poco interés tienen.
