Sunday, December 13, 2009
It had been a while since I wrote and I want to update again everything I have done since the 25K :P

But days went by and October, then November passed by and nothing came up, nothing totally definitive and I bumped with Kyle and Ann. Among other recruiters, they were pretty kind and focused their business to totally give me an opportunity in the Australian market. And as the first days of December started I was thinking ‘oh god, are you letting me out of light? Am I going to have a stressing Christmas and a crappy channuka’ and then, I got a called from Ann two days before Channuka, she gave me the excellent news that I was selected to work with Cochlear... I am not a very religious man, in fact I believe pretty much that each of us is a tiny part of god, waiting for the perfect moment to awake and make the change to come... but as these days went by I just want to express my gratitude to the universe or god, for not letting me down.
Thank you god, you gave me light just before my oil was about to be depleted.
Happy channuka guys (I will give you merry Christmas in about some more days :P)
Chag urim sameach!
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Hi Rod. This is the first time I write to you, but I have read you since time ago (in the aussie neighbor too). I am so glad you finally found a job, it seems the things (including economy) are getting in order again. My qustion is how did you cantact the recruiters (kyle and Ann) and what do we have to do once there on that sense? (Linkedin?)
Thank you and congrats!!
these are very good news Rod!!! you will enjoy the new year for sure!! Merry Christmas!
Hello Gabriel,
The most common way to contact a recruiter is via job search systems or directly to their emails when a job ad is published. But almost every recruiter has linked-in profiles and you can build your network before arriving to Australia. I will post more about this in a near future.
Hi Nora, thank you and Merry Christmas for you too :P
Depending on your career and your skills, yes. Contacting the recruiters and let'em know when are you going to arrive.
Epale pana, sé que tu blog es en inglés, pero igual te escribo en español.
yo tambien estoy en el proceso de migración (desde vzla) Me preguntaba dos cosas:
1.- Qué diferencias importantes podrías comentarnos existen entre un proceso de selección en Australia Vs Venezuela?.
2.- Cómo decidieron a que ciudad migrarian en Australia?
Tavo, no tengo idea si ya estoy perdiendo mi español o no entendi tus preguntas :S O bueno... la primera de ellas. A que te refieres con un proceso de selección?
Ahora bien, la pregunta 2 es dificil de responder, principalmente porque tus necesidades no van a ser exactamente iguales que las mias. En nuestro caso, que somos solamente mi esposa y yo, comenzamos por alguna ciudad que no implicara muchos costos pero tambien poniamos en contra posicion la cantidad de oferta laboral. Entre esta comparacion, quedamos a la final con Melbounre y Sydney, quedando entre estas dos, Sydney como la mejor opcion para nosotros dos.
En el caso de algunos amigos, sus estudios les dijo que la mejor opcion era Brisbane y otros se nos fueron para Perth. Que quiero decir con esto? La ciudad donde deseas vivir tiene que ver con tus experiencias personales, gustos y estructura familiar... Tomando esos factores en cuenta revisa las ciudades y sus caracteristicas, viendo cuales van quedando del filtro.
Espero haber respondido tu duda.
Gracias Rod, cuando decia "proceso de seleccion" me refería al "recruiting process", everything that happens from the first phone call when they ask a couple of questions about your CV, to the offer acceptance.
I was wondering if there are any "Mayor" differences in the recruiting process other than the obvious change in the CV and Cover Letter.
By the way, Adri (wife) and I are both marketers (marketing people) therefore we are also in between Sydney and Melbourne. I thought perhaps you could go a little deeper on how you choose between those two cities.
Best Regards,
Oh ok tavo, got it.
Well the recruiting process is really different to what we was used to in latin-america. Even to the US is different, and as I explained in this post, I am going to explain it in detail later :P
just to let you know :P CV and resume isn't the same thing... I thought it was until a recruiter explained to me the differences. In any case, I will post that info soon.
Regarding to choosing the place to be. The abstract for us was, where do we find more job opportunities (demand vs competition) avoiding long inactive, saving consumer unproductive terms. As we made some progress with researches most of the information told us Sydney is a talent hungry city, with huge demand and competition but around 80% of qualified migration to Australia ends up in Sydney.
Yet again, my reasons could not be shared by you and you could pinpoint the so called 'Melbourian culture' to be the most awesome thing in the world. We just stocked to the facts.
Thanks Rod,
Great blog by the way.
Looking forward to read your next post.
Best Regards,
Finally man!
I can't understand why you were so nervous, you explained to me several times that since the arrival we must wait three months at least for get a job, your prediction became reality.
Ok, I'm not telling that probably your faith was an important factor for getting the job, but obviously, you made big efforts looking for jobs.
Congrats new aussie! Merry Xmas & Happy New Year for you & your wife!
Furio, is unavoidable to be in a worrisome situation, where your savings are dimming out... It puts you under pressure.
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