Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well, the month of July ended and we didn’t get the desired call saying, “hello there, G’day, this is the department of Immigration and Citizenship from Australia, we are calling you regarding to your visa application which was accepted. Congratulations.”
The waiting is the most awful stage of this entire process, but this is disappointing because the plan was to get the papers on July and get to Aus as fast as possible before the year ended; but now, doesn’t matter if we get the visa approved this month or the upcoming, now we are going to be moving on January… So our project gets an unpleasant six month delay… This reminds me the commercial of “where the bloody hell are you?”...

<Where the bloody hell are you?>

And my answer is... In bloody Venezuela mate, and not thanks to DIAC...



paciencia rod, por lo menos ya estas en el final, nosotros ni hemos comenzado..asi que mucha paciencia y bueno, disfruta tus ultimos dias en Venezuela....ya vendra la visa, ya veras...!

Rod said...

Ay Nora, antes también pensaba mucho que tenía que tener paciencia puesto a todo el proceso que es bastante largo... pero actualmente no tienes noticias de ningún tipo, nadie te dice nada y por más que preguntas... Quedas totalmente suspendido en una burbuja invisible y lo peor de ella es que no sabes como salir... Realmente desespera.

Anonymous said...

hi rod,

it wouldn't be an adventure if it all went as planned.

i learned to never try to predict what how long things would take. most took much longer than promised, but some were lightning fast.

ka kite,

Rod said...

Well Antony, you are quite true. Life is an adventure and extremely difficult to predict. But at the moment I would like to have something for granted, even though I don't really plan to be travelling to Oz to the end of the year.

Thanks for you comment, it is nice to know someone from NZ is reading my blog ;)
